Vega Newsletter

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Chlorella used for?

It can be used as a nutrient-dense whole food or a food supplement taken to ensure you are obtaining all of your dietary needs. Fatigue and mental depression, which are so common today, are signals from the body that something is wrong. Chlorella serves as an overall health and immune booster to encourage and maintain good health.

How long does one need to take it to see results?

Keep in mind that Chlorella is a food and not a drug. While some people see effects in just a few days, 2-3 months may be needed to realize the full effect of its many benefits. Once the body has less toxic load the organs and glands can begin restoration towards optimal functioning. Thus, it can take even longer to realize all the benefits of taking Chlorella.

What is the difference between Chlorella and Spirulina or blue-green algae?

Spirulina and blue-green algae are actually not algae but cyanobacteria. Both are high in protein and vitamins but they lack the cell nucleus that characterizes Chlorella as a complete unicellular organism. Spirulina is cultivated like Chlorella but blue green algae grows wild in lakes and waterways, consuming whatever nutrients are in the water. Some species of cyanobacteria are toxic just like mushrooms and some land plants. Companies that harvest wild species of blue-green algae from natural lakes cannot have the same degree of control as growing chlorella and harvesting wild algae presents a far greater risk of contamination by cyanobacterial toxins. Chlorella contains up to 10 times more chlorophyll than spirulina and up to 20 times more than blue green algae, making it a much superior detoxifier. Chlorella is also a more complete and higher quality source of protein and of course Chlorella is the only source of CGF which is responsible for many of its healing and anti-aging properties.

Is Chlorella good for vegetarians?

It is excellent for vegetarians due to its B-12 content and wide range of amino acids, including all 8 essentials. These nutrients can sometimes be deficient in non-meat eaters.

Is Chlorella good for athletes and bodybuilders?

Athletes tend to push themselves physically to the limit. This creates a great stress if proper nutrition is not there to support those demands. The high level of a wide range of amino acids ensures optimal healing and recovery to muscle tissue, joints and any other area of the body. Thus, plus Chlorella's overall nutritional food value, high levels of nucleic acids and CGF makes it a fantastic food supplement for all athletes.

Are there any side effects or interactions with other supplements or drugs using Chlorella?

None have been reported. It is very safe.

Can Chlorella be used topically?

Yes. Chlorella powder can be mixed with water into a thick paste and applied over cuts, scrapes, rashes or wounds to help facilitate healing. The CGF makes it an effective healer of human tissue. After consuming Chlorella for approximately one year, you should notice significant improvement in the healing of cuts, scrapes, and wounds without the need to apply it topically.

How does Chlorella taste?

It tastes GREEN! Try adding Chlorella powder to fruit smoothies or juices such as apple, white grape, pineapple or orange. The natural sugars in these combine well with Chlorella.

What is the best way to ensure digestibility with Chlorella's tough outer wall?

Every manufacturer of Chlorella claims to have a special cell wall treatment to improve digestion. Most advanced producers today use super high pressure jet spray drying which creates deep cracks in the cell walls, making the nutrients within available to us, but keeps them contained and intact within the cell walls until they are actually consumed. Others actually mill the Chlorella which grinds and collapses the entire Chlorella cell into very small fragments, therefore exposing the nutrients contained within Chlorella, reducing shelf life and requiring significantly more extensive packaging. Both methods are effective and offer 80% or higher digestibility. Don't be mislead by special patented procedures that claim only their process increases digestibility.

Is it true that Chlorella can help with weight loss?

This has been one of the reported benefits by Chlorella users. Many people report that taking Chlorella before meals acts like an appetite suppressant. Because it contains such a wide variety of nutrients and fiber, Chlorella can easily satisfy our nutritional needs and therefore, our appetite is diminished.

Also Chlorella is known to be an adaptogen or a biological response modifier (BRM) meaning it helps the body lower hormones associated with stress. These stress hormones have numerous negative effects on the body that can cause us to eat more, but our ability to digest that food slows down, leading to weight gain. If we lower those stress hormones (as with Chlorella) our food cravings diminish and our digestive system can work more effectively!

What other health benefits are associated with Chlorella?

Chlorella is mostly recognized for it's rich composition of phytochemicals that support the body's natural self-defense mechanism, detoxify and nourish the body and assist in achieving longevity and well-being. It makes sense that if your body is weary, run down, undernourished and etc. that where ever there is a weak area in the body, that area will probably suffer and with the proper nutritional support those problems can be reversed. Chlorella is not some miracle cure. The human body is the miracle as it was created to heal itself if given the proper nutritional support to do so.