Certificate of Analysis

Certificate of Analysis (per 100g) for Sequel Naturals ChlorEssence Powder and Tablets

Issued by Japan Food Research Laboratories


Energy 389 kcal
Protein (N x 6.25) 67g
Fat (Method with acid hydrolysis) 12.9g
Dietary Fiber (by the AOAC method) 8.7g
Ash 6.5g
Carbohydrates 1.1g
Chlorophyll 3.9g
Water 3.8g
Chlorella Growth Factor 25.6%

Digestibility 81.9%
* Test condition: 02% pepsin (activity 1:10,000), incubation with shaking for 16 hr at 45deg.C

Sodium 57.5mg
Phosphorus 164g
Iron 204mg
Calcium 327mg
Potassium 1000mg
Copper 503 mcg
Magnesium 314mg
Zinc 1.93mg
Manganese 5.05mg
Vitamin A (Retinol equivalents) 19.8mg
Carotene (beta-carotene equivalents) 119mg
Thiamin 2.11mg
Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) 5.2mg
Vitamin B6 2.37mg
Vitamin B12 8.0 mcg
Total ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) 96mg
Calciferol (Vitamin D) 37,700 IU
Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) 24.9mg
Phylloquinone 506 mcg
Folic acid 2.4mg
Pantothenic acid 4.28mg
Biotin 209 mcg
Niacin 44.6mg
Coenzyme Q9 14mg

Arsenic as AS not detected (LD 0.5ppm)
Heavy Metals as Pb not detected (LD 20ppm)
Coliform bacteria negative
Salmonella negative/25g
Aerobic plate count not more than 300/g
Total pheophorbides 28mg
Original pheophorbide 12mg