Botanical Description of Chlorella

Chlorella is a single-celled fresh-water, microscopic algae, measuring between 2 and 8 microns in diameter (1 micron is 1,000th of 1 millimeter). Chlorella cells are round in shape and almost the same size as human red blood corpuscles.

Scientifically, Chlorella belongs to green micro algae. The two most common strains are Chlorella pyrenoidosa and Chlorella vulgaris. They are very similar and for the purposes of this book, can be considered the same. Other relatives of the Chlorella family are ao-nori and kelp-like Wakame and Kombu which are also popular as food products.

Chlorella is one of the oldest forms of plant life on earth. It has the highest chlorophyll content of any known plant and this gives Chlorella its characteristic deep green color. The name Chlorella is derived from the Latin "chlor" for green and "ella" for small.

Unlike most plants of multi-cells, Chlorella is unicellular, which means each cell is a self-sufficient organism. Though we cannot tell by the naked eye, each Chlorella cell has its own organs and functions to live alone.

A 3 micron Chlorella cell grows through the photosynthesis process with solar energy and carbon dioxide in fresh water. When it becomes 8 to 10 microns in size, division of its nucleus happens twice, where one parent cell divides into 4 cells daily.

Through Chlorella's energetic reproduction each cell increases to 4 cells every 20 to 24 hours. One Chlorella cell produces 4, second day 16, third day 64, etc. 10 thousand trillion cells weigh about 20 tons.

No other plant grows as fast as Chlorella. Because of this, it has been studied extensively as a food for the future as our world population rapidly expands beyond the present day food production capacity of the earth.

Chlorella has many clinically proven health benefits. Long acclaimed for its health promoting properties, Chlorella is highly regarded and well known throughout Japan. It is believed to be their #1 health food supplement with over 10 million people in Japan taking it regularly. In fact, more people in Japan take Chlorella than North Americans take Vitamin C - our most popular vitamin. Chlorella, dubbed the "Green Gem of the Orient," is deserving of its reputation as the ultimate green food

As a true whole superfood, Chlorella has the tremendous ability to detoxify, energize, nourish and ultimately balance all of the body's systems for optimal function.